Tegan and sarah lesbians
Tegan and sarah lesbians

tegan and sarah lesbians

Quin: It took us just over a year to put the whole thing together because we had to create a package and an idea of how we were going to make it all fit into a cohesive package, not just slapping some stuff together. Was it tough to compile? Were there fights during the process? It was an experience and we wanted someone to capture it. She was someone who was intimate with us and could be like a pal and be that fly on the wall. And then our friend Elinor, who we’ve known since high school, we were going to take a trip to India and we were going to do some shows but we were also going to bring some friends and our mom and she had just spent some time in India so we wanted to bring her along. He had such a beautiful eye it sort of came together very naturally. We brought Danny O’Malley when we were out on tour with Paramore and we let him do a retrospective of the last 10 years of touring in the U.S. We knew we wanted to make a couple of different things so we picked a couple of directors that we liked and we sort of let them run with their own ideas. Quin: We didn’t go too overboard with planning or details.

tegan and sarah lesbians tegan and sarah lesbians

“These projects that span years, I’m always like, ‘Oh god, why are we doing this?’ But I’m happy with how it turned out.” : How did you go about picking the directors and the projects they would work on?

Tegan and sarah lesbians